Henley Clear Phantom Tip
Line Profile

Henley Clear Phantom Tip
Line Description
Our Traditional weight-forward taper is perfect for the all-around angler, whether its big game fishing down in the tropics to small mountain trout streams. With its symmetrical front and rear tapers along with the moderate length belly, this head design will allow you to perform almost any presentation without needing multiple line set-ups. The shorter front and rear tapers allow you to shoot line and turn over large streamers or indicator rigs, while the evenly loaded, level belly section gives the angler control over the aggressiveness of their presentation for when delicate top-water offerings are key.
Our Henley Clear series utilizes our exclusive MoniCORE. This is a brand new proprietary monofilament we have been developing for over a year. This non-nylon based mono has superb clarity and is naturally more relaxed than any monofilament core we have ever worked with to date. This creates an exceptionally clear and stealthy line that holds far less coil than fly lines based on traditional nylon monofilament. Our MoniCORE has moderate to low stretch, allowing the angler to easily relax or straighten the fly line while also providing shock absorbing properties and consistent tension for landing those extra large species. MonicCORE's versatility allows you to take the stealthy covert nature of the Henley Clear from the flats in the tropics to the chilly mountain creeks and rivers.
Our Henley Clear utilizes our new STS Phantom Tip coating system bringing the best of stealth, slickness, and visibility into one package. The 15 foot stealth tip (from front loop to mid belly) reduces the chances of lining/spooking fish when presenting the fly, and can also allow the angler to use a shorter leader in windy conditions. The remainder of the line, with its bright green color, gives great visibility for tracking the line on the water and while casting. With our game changing STS slickness formula uniformly built into the coating, the slick properties will never wear off, maintaining superb line-shooting ability while also improving durability and overall life of the line.
Line Weights
All Henley Clears are weighted a half size above the AFFTA standards. You can see the weight ranges in the chart pictured here (weights are measured from the first 30 ft of the head). All of our lines manufactured here at Monic are constructed at or just above the AFFTA standards. Many fly lines in today's market are vastly over-weighted, sometimes up to 3 sizes. At Monic, we understand that not every angler is using a fast action rod or wants an ultra-heavy fly line forced into their hands. That is why we want to leave the decision up to you. After all, nobody knows your rod and fishing style better than you do.
If you are using a medium-fast to fast action rod, you may want to consider upsizing a line or two. We always suggest to our customers, if there is a specific line you have enjoyed in the past and how it loaded your rod, take a minute to look up the weight designation for the first 30 ft and match that weight to the size of the Monic line you are interested in. If you would like help matching a given Monic line to your rod, reach out to us at anytime. We will do our absolute best to get you fitted with the perfect line for your fishing scenario.